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Version: 2.2.0

How to manage Kafka streams

If you are not familiar with Kafka, then please check out their quickstart guide to get familiar. In the documentation, we assume that a Kafka server is available on the 9092 port of the local machine (localhost:9092) as the default configuration of the Kafka quick start guide. Please adjust your setup accordingly.


Check out the example-streaming-app on GitHub to see how Memgraph can be connected to a Kafka stream.


For detailed technical information on streaming support, check out the reference guide.

Configuring Memgraph

The list of default bootstrap servers can be set by the --kafka-bootstrap-servers configuration option. It has to be set explicitly. Morever, the user can overwrite the default list of brokers passed to --kafka-bootstrap-servers by setting the BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS <brokers> option on a CREATE KAFKA STREAM clause.

Creating the stream

The very first step is to make sure at least one transformation module is loaded into Memgraph. If you are not sure how to define them, check out the transformation module guide. We are going to use transformation.my_transformation from that example, but we are going to alias it as my.transform to make the size of result tables slimmer. For the topic name, we are going to use the topic from the Kafka quick start, quickstart-events.

TOPICS quickstart-events
TRANSFORM my.transform;

Check the created stream:


The result should be similar to:

| name | type | batch_interval | batch_size | transformation_name | owner | is running |
| "myStream" | "kafka" | 100 | 1000 | "my.kafka_transform" | Null | false |

The result contains the most important information about the existing streams, e.g., its name, topics it is subscribed to, etc.

Check if the stream is working

Maybe at first, you don't want to run the stream in the background but see the actual result of the transformation. This can be handy when implementing a transformation. To achieve that, we can use the CHECK STREAM query. This query will consume the message from the last committed offset but won't commit the offsets. That means you are free to play around with it, and there won't be any permanent effects. For a freshly created stream there is probably no committed offset, so the CHECK STREAM query will wait for new messages. By default, the query will wait 30000 milliseconds (30 seconds) and after that, it will throw a timeout exception. To give us some more time, use a larger timeout, e.g.: 60000 milliseconds (60 seconds):


If you started the query, let's send some messages to the topic in the same way as described in the Kafka quick start guide. You should see a similar output:

| query | parameters |
| "CREATE (n:MESSAGE {timestamp: $timestamp, payload: $payload, topic: $topic})" | {payload: "Example message 1", timestamp: 1625757014009, topic: "quickstart-events"} |

If you want to consume more batches, you can also increase the batch limit:


As a result, you should see multiple messages (probably 3) in the output:

| query | parameters |
| "CREATE (n:MESSAGE {timestamp: $timestamp, payload: $payload, topic: $topic})" | {payload: "Memgraph <3 Kafka", timestamp: 1625757026942, topic: "quickstart-events"} |
| "CREATE (n:MESSAGE {timestamp: $timestamp, payload: $payload, topic: $topic})" | {payload: "Example message 2", timestamp: 1625757112493, topic: "quickstart-events"} |
| "CREATE (n:MESSAGE {timestamp: $timestamp, payload: $payload, topic: $topic})" | {payload: "Example message 3", timestamp: 1625757118408, topic: "quickstart-events"} |

Start the stream

As we just demonstrated that the stream is working, we can start to ingest data into the database by starting the stream and sending some messages to the topic.


After sending a few messages to the topic, the created vertices can be checked by executing MATCH (n: MESSAGE) RETURN n:

| n |
| (:MESSAGE {payload: "first message", timestamp: 1625757438919, topic: "quickstart-events"}) |
| (:MESSAGE {payload: "another message", timestamp: 1625757441665, topic: "quickstart-events"}) |
| (:MESSAGE {payload: "it is working!", timestamp: 1625757444175, topic: "quickstart-events"}) |

Committed offsets

As our stream processed at least one message after starting it, it will commit the message offset to the Kafka cluster. That means if the stream is stopped by stopping it with the STOP STREAM myStream query (or by shutting Memgraph down), the last committed offset will be retrieved from the Kafka cluster after restarting the stream.


NOTE: As the committed offsets are stored for the consumer groups on the Kafka cluster, if a new stream is created using the same consumer group, it might continue consuming the message from the same offset where the previous stream stopped. You can mitigate this by using different consumer group names or resetting the committed offset via Kafka admin client.

Previously, we mentioned that the CHECK STREAM query doesn't modify the committed offsets, which means using CHECK STREAM on a stream that already has some offsets committed can result in executing the transformation on the same message multiple times. To demonstrate that, first, let's stop the stream:


And then send a few messages to the topic, e.g.: message A, message B and message C. Then run the same query as before:


Running this query multiple times should emit the same results:

| query | parameters |
| "CREATE (n:MESSAGE {timestamp: $timestamp, payload: $payload, topic: $topic})" | {payload: "message A", timestamp: 1625758319964, topic: "quickstart-events"} |
| "CREATE (n:MESSAGE {timestamp: $timestamp, payload: $payload, topic: $topic})" | {payload: "message B", timestamp: 1625758321735, topic: "quickstart-events"} |
| "CREATE (n:MESSAGE {timestamp: $timestamp, payload: $payload, topic: $topic})" | {payload: "message C", timestamp: 1625758323795, topic: "quickstart-events"} |