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Version: 2.3.0

How-to guides overview

How-to guides within this section serve as a cookbook for getting things done as fast as possible. These guides tend to provide a step-by-step guide on using certain Memgraph features or solving a particular problem.


Memgraph can connect to existing Kafka, Pulsar and Redpanda streams. The streams use user-defined transformations to produce Cypher queries based on the received messages. To learn more about streams and transformations take a look at the following pages:

Inspect and profile Cypher queries

Memgraph also enables you to inspect and profile the execution of a query and get a detailed report on how the query's plan behaved. Take a look at the guides:


Memgraph has two types of constraints. Take a look how to enforce them:

Change configuration and access logs

Take a look how to change configuration settings and access log files:

Query modules

Memgraph supports extending the query language with user-written procedures. These procedures are grouped into modules, which can then be loaded either on startup or later on. To learn more about query modules take a look at the following guides:

Utilize the NetworkX library

Memgraph currently provides three query modules that utilize the NetworkX library. Take a look how to use the NetworkX library with Memgraph:

TensorFlow Op

A TensorFlow op (operation) is a fundamental building block of all TensorFlow models. Learn how to setup Memgraph TensorFlow Op:

Working with indexes

A database index is a data structure used to improve the speed of data retrieval within a database. Take a look how to enable them:


Memgraph supports replication and the following guide demonstrates how to create a simple cluster of nodes running Memgraph instances:


Memgraph comes with a couple of queries that allow you to safely make a backup of the files containing its data:

User privileges

Memgraph comes with the option of granting, denying, or revoking a certain set of privileges to users or groups of users. To learn more visit:

Authentication and authorization

Memgraph supports authentication and (optional) authorization using a custom-built external auth module. To learn more visit:

Work with Docker

If you are new to Docker, this how-to guide will help you get a grasp of Docker and make it easier to accomplish tasks within Memgraph:


Memgraph supports running openCypher statements after a certain event happens during transaction execution, i.e. triggers:

Use Font Awesome icons for node images

Font Awesome is a popular icon library. You can't use those icons directly or SVG file as background images. Tak a look at workaround for this: