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Version: 2.3.1

Rust quick start

At the end of this guide, you will have created a simple Rust Hello, World! program that connects to the Memgraph database and executes simple queries.


To follow this guide, you will need:

  • A running Memgraph instance. If you need to set up Memgraph, take a look at the Installation guide.
  • A basic understanding of graph databases and the property graph model.
  • Docker installed and running. Instructions on how to setup Docker can be found on the official Docker website.
  • A locally installed rsmgclient driver if you are not using Docker to build the program.

NOTE: We recommend using Docker because it simplifies installing the driver dependencies. If you don't wish to use Docker, you will need to install the rsmgclient driver locally.

Basic setup

We'll use a Dockerized Rust program to demonstrate how to connect to a running Memgraph database instance. If you won't use Docker, the steps might be slightly different, but the code is either the same or very similar.

Let's jump in and connect a simple program to Memgraph.

1. Create a new Rust project with the name memgraph_rust by running the following command:

cargo new memgraph_rust --bin

2. Add the following line to the Cargo.toml file under the line [dependencies] :

rsmgclient = "1.0.0"

3. To create the actual program, add the following code to the src/ file:

use rsmgclient::{ConnectParams, Connection, SSLMode};

fn main(){
// Parameters for connecting to database.
let connect_params = ConnectParams {
host: Some(String::from("")),
sslmode: SSLMode::Disable,

// Make a connection to the database.
let mut connection = match Connection::connect(&connect_params) {
Ok(c) => c,
Err(err) => panic!("{}", err)

// Execute a query.
let query = "CREATE (u:User {name: 'Alice'})-[:Likes]->(m:Software {name: 'Memgraph'}) RETURN u, m";
match connection.execute(query, None) {
Ok(columns) => println!("Columns: {}", columns.join(", ")),
Err(err) => panic!("{}", err)

// Fetch all query results.
match connection.fetchall() {
Ok(records) => {
for value in &records[0].values {
println!("{}", value);
Err(err) => panic!("{}", err)

// Commit any pending transaction to the database.
match connection.commit() {
Ok(()) => {},
Err(err) => panic!("{}", err)

4. Create a new file in the project root directory /memgraph_rust and name it Dockerfile . Add the following code to it:

# Set base image (host OS)
FROM rust:1.56

# Install CMake
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get --yes install cmake

# Install mgclient
RUN apt-get install -y git cmake make gcc g++ libssl-dev clang && \
git clone /mgclient && \
cd mgclient && \
git checkout 5ae69ea4774e9b525a2be0c9fc25fb83490f13bb && \
mkdir build && \
cd build && \
cmake .. && \
make && \
make install

# Set the working directory in the container

# Copy the dependencies file to the working directory
COPY Cargo.toml .

# Copy the content of the local src directory to the working directory
RUN mkdir src
COPY src/ ./src

# Generate binary using the Rust compiler
RUN cargo build

# Command to run on container start
CMD [ "cargo", "run" ]

5. Don't forget to change the host address in your code.
Find the CONTAINER_ID with docker ps and use it in the following command to retrieve the address:

docker inspect -f '{{range.NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' CONTAINER_ID

6. To run the application, first, you need to create a Docker image with:

docker build -t memgraph_rust .

7. Now, you can start the application with the following command:

docker run memgraph_rust

You should see an output similar to the following:

Columns: u, m
(:User {'name': 'Alice'})
(:Software {'name': 'Memgraph'})

Where to next?

For real-world examples of how to use Memgraph, we suggest you take a look at the Tutorials page. You can also browse through the How-to guides section to get an overview of all the functionalities Memgraph offers.