Audit log (Enterprise)
Memgraph supports all query audit logging. When enabled, the audit log contains records of all queries executed on the database. Each executed query is one entry (one line) in the audit log. The audit log itself is a CSV file.
All audit logs are written to
. The log is rotated using
, so entries in the audit.log
file are always the newest entries.
Entries in audit.log.1
, audit.log.2.gz
, etc. are older entries. The
default log rotation configuration can be found in /etc/logrotate.d/memgraph
By default, the log is rotated every day and a full year of entries is
preserved. You can modify the values to your own needs and preferences.
The audit log contains the following information formatted into a CSV file:
For each query, the supplied query parameters are also logged. The query is escaped and quoted so that commas in queries don't affect the correctness of the CSV. The parameters are encoded as JSON objects and are then escaped and quoted.
This is an example of the audit log:
1551376833.225395,,admin,"MATCH (n) DETACH DELETE n","{}"
1551376833.257825,,admin,"CREATE (n {name: $name})","{\"name\":\"alice\"}"
1551376833.273546,,admin,"MATCH (n), (m) CREATE (n)-[:e {when: $when}]->(m)","{\"when\":42}"
1551376833.300955,,admin,"MATCH (n), (m) SET n.value = m.value","{}"
We can see that all of the queries were executed from the loopback address and
were executed by the user admin
. The executed queries are:
Query | Parameters |
CREATE (n {name: $name}) | {"name": "alice"} |
MATCH (n), (m) CREATE (n)-[:e {when: $when}]->(m) | {"when": 42} |
MATCH (n), (m) SET n.value = m.value | {} |
Parsing the log
If you wish to parse the log, the following Python snippet shows how to extract data from the audit log:
import csv
import json
with open("audit.log") as f:
reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=',', doublequote=False,
escapechar='\\', lineterminator='\n',
quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL,
skipinitialspace=False, strict=True)
for line in reader:
timestamp, address, username, query, params = line
params = json.loads(params)
# Rest of your code that processes the logs.
This section contains the list of flags that are used to configure audit logging in Memgraph.
Flag | Description |
--audit-enabled | Enables audit logging. |
--audit-buffer-size | Controls the in-memory buffer size used for audit logs. |
--audit-buffer-flush-interval-ms | Controls the time interval (in milliseconds) used for flushing the in-memory buffer to disk. |