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Version: 2.2.0

Graph stream processing with Kafka and Memgraph

In this tutorial, you will learn how to connect Memgraph to an existing Kafka stream in order to analyze data in real-time.

If you are still very new to streaming, feel free to first read some of our blog posts about the topic to learn what stream processing is, how it differs from batch processing and how streaming databases work.

Now that you've covered theory let's dive into practice!

We will focus on processing real-time movie ratings that are streamed through Kafka in order to generate movie recommendations using Memgraph and the Cypher query language.


To follow this tutorial, you will need:

  1. Docker
  2. If you are using Linux, you will also need Docker Compose
  3. Memgraph Lab - visual user interface that enables you to visualize graphs and execute Cypher queries
  4. Python

Data model

We didn't want you to worry about setting up Kafka and streaming data, that's why we've prepared a Kafka dummy stream of the reduced MovieLens dataset for you to practice on.

Each JSON message in the stream will be structured like this:

"userId": "112",
"movie": {
"movieId": "4993",
"title": "Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, The (2001)",
"genres": ["Adventure", "Fantasy"]
"rating": "5",
"timestamp": "1442535783"

If we were to describe in one sentence the process that generated this data, it would be: "A user rated a movie of a genre". That is how we get the nodes and relationships for our graph data model.

Nodes are labeled User, Movie and Genre while the relationships are of type RATED or OF_GENRE.

User has the property id, Movie has the properties id and title and Genre has the property name. RATED has rating (1.0 - 5.0) and timestamp properties, and OF_GENRE relationship has no properties.

1. Start the Kafka stream

Start by making a clone of the data-streams repository. This project contains the data stream, a Kafka setup and MemgraphDB.

Open a terminal and use the following command:

git clone

Now place yourself in the data-streams directory and run the following command to start the Kafka stream:

python --platforms kafka --dataset movielens

Give the script a couple of minutes, and you should see messages being consumed in the console:

All topics:
Kafka : {'userId': '1', 'movie': {'movieId': '1', 'title': 'Toy Story (1995)', 'genres': ['Adventure', 'Animation', 'Children', 'Comedy', 'Fantasy']}, 'rating': '4.0', 'timestamp': '964982703'}
Kafka : {'userId': '1', 'movie': {'movieId': '3', 'title': 'Grumpier Old Men (1995)', 'genres': ['Comedy', 'Romance']}, 'rating': '4.0', 'timestamp': '964981247'}
Kafka : {'userId': '1', 'movie': {'movieId': '6', 'title': 'Heat (1995)', 'genres': ['Action', 'Crime', 'Thriller']}, 'rating': '4.0', 'timestamp': '964982224'}
Kafka : {'userId': '1', 'movie': {'movieId': '47', 'title': 'Seven (a.k.a. Se7en) (1995)', 'genres': ['Mystery', 'Thriller']}, 'rating': '5.0', 'timestamp': '964983815'}
Kafka : {'userId': '1', 'movie': {'movieId': '50', 'title': 'Usual Suspects, The (1995)', 'genres': ['Crime', 'Mystery', 'Thriller']}, 'rating': '5.0', 'timestamp': '964982931'}

2. Start Memgraph

If we were using a proper Kafka stream, we would start Memgraph independently using Docker, but because we are using a dummy stream, we will start Memgraph within the data-streams project. Given that we need to access the data stream running in a separate Docker container, we need to run Memgraph on the same network.

Open a new terminal and position yourself in the data-streams directory you cloned earlier, then build the Memgraph image with the following command:

docker-compose build memgraph-mage

When the image is built, start the container with:

docker-compose up memgraph-mage

You should get the following reply:

Container data-streams-memgraph-mage-1  Created 0.2s
Attaching to data-streams-memgraph-mage-1
data-streams-memgraph-mage-1 | You are running Memgraph v2.1.0
data-streams-memgraph-mage-1 | To get started with Memgraph, visit

To check if Memgraph is indeed running, open Memgraph Lab and connect to the empty database.

3. Create a transformation module

Before we can connect Memgraph to a data stream, we need to instruct it on how to transform the incoming messages, so they can be consumed correctly. This is done through a Python transformation module. If you open the data-streams/memgraph/transformations/ you'll see one such transformation file we've created for this tutorial.

import mgp
import json

def rating(messages: mgp.Messages
) -> mgp.Record(query=str, parameters=mgp.Nullable[mgp.Map]):
result_queries = []

for i in range(messages.total_messages()):
message = messages.message_at(i)
movie_dict = json.loads(message.payload().decode('utf8'))
query=("MERGE (u:User {id: $userId}) "
"MERGE (m:Movie {id: $movieId, title: $title}) "
"WITH u, m "
"UNWIND $genres as genre "
"MERGE (m)-[:OF_GENRE]->(:Genre {name: genre}) "
"CREATE (u)-[:RATED {rating: ToFloat($rating), timestamp: $timestamp}]->(m)"),
"userId": movie_dict["userId"],
"movieId": movie_dict["movie"]["movieId"],
"title": movie_dict["movie"]["title"],
"genres": movie_dict["movie"]["genres"],
"rating": movie_dict["rating"],
"timestamp": movie_dict["timestamp"]}))

return result_queries

Each JSON message triggers a Cypher query that maps the elements of the message as a graph object:

MERGE (u:User {id: $userId})
MERGE (m:Movie {id: $movieId, title: $title})
WITH u, m
UNWIND $genres as genre
MERGE (m)-[:OF_GENRE]->(:Genre {name: genre})
CREATE (u)-[:RATED {rating: ToFloat($rating), timestamp: $timestamp}]->(m)

In the first two line we define two nodes, User and Movie, and define their properties. If you look at the messages you are receiving from Kafka, you will notice each movie has several genres. We want to store each genre as a separate node and that is why we use the UNWIND clause to separate types of genre.

In the last two lines, we create relationships between nodes and define their properties. Movie nodes belong to a certain Genre, and User nodes rated Movie nodes by a certain rating in the form of a decimal number (Float) at a certain time.

4. Copy transformation module into Docker

Once again, the transformation module you will need to complete this tutorial is already locked among the project files so feel free to skip this step and go straight to loading. But hopefully, there will come a time when you will need to create your own transformation modules and you need to know how to copy them into the Docker container.

Let's play around a bit:

  1. Copy the data-streams/memgraph/transformations/ file to the root directory of your computer and rename it

  2. Open the file and rename the relationship OF_GENRE to just OF:

    "MERGE (m)-[:OF]->(:Genre {name: genre}) "
  3. Open a new terminal and find out the CONTAINER ID of the memgraph-mage container by running:

    docker ps
  4. Position yourself in the root directory (or in the folder where file is) and copy the file transformation module to the memgraph-mage container by running:

    docker cp CONTAINER_ID:/usr/lib/memgraph/query_modules/
  5. Check if you copied the file correctly! Enter the container:

    docker exec -it CONTAINER_ID bash
  6. List all the files in the /usr/lib/memgraph/query_modules folder and check if the file is there:

    ls /usr/lib/memgraph/query_modules

5. Load the transformation module into Memgraph

Once your transformation module is safe in Docker, you can load it into Memgraph.

All modules are automatically loaded into Memgraph when it starts, but if the module was copied into Docker while the Memgraph was already running, like it was now in step 4, it needs to be loaded by using a Cypher procedure.

You can either use the CALL mg.load_all() procedure to reload all existing modules and load any newly added ones, or CALL mg.load("module_name") to (re)load a specific module.

Switch to Memgraph Lab and switch to the Query tab. In the Query editor (the black part of the Lab, looking like a terminal) enter the procedure of your choice and then press Run query to load the transformation module.

I am going to load the original transformation module created for this tutorial

CALL mg.load("movielens");

If you don’t receive an error, the module was loaded successfully.

6. Connect Memgraph to the Kafka stream

We will connect Memgraph to the Kafka stream by running several queries in Memgraph Lab.

  1. Position yourself in the Query tab and enter the following query into the Query editor (terminal looking area):

    CREATE KAFKA STREAM movielens_stream
    TOPICS ratings
    TRANSFORM movielens.rating
    BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS "kafka:9092";

    In the first line, we gave the stream a custom name, and in the second, we defined the name of the topic we are reading the data from. In the third line we defined the transformation procedure by writing the name of the .py file we are using to transform the data, followed by the function we defined in that file. In the last line we defined the bootstrap servers.

  2. Hit the Run query and if no error appears, you are good to go to the next step.

  3. Now that we have created the stream, it needs to be started in order to consume messages:

    START STREAM movielens_stream;
  4. To check if the stream was created and started correctly, run the following query:


That’s it! You just connected to a real-time data source with Memgraph. If you open the Overview tab in Memgraph Lab, you should see that a number of nodes and edges has already been created.

Just to be sure, open the tab Graph Schema and click on the Generate graph schema button to see if the graph follows the Data model we defined at the beginning of the article.

We are all set to start exploring the data!

7. Analyze the streaming data

We will use Cypher for data analysis, the most popular query language when it comes to graph databases. It provides an intuitive way to work with property graphs.

  1. Let’s return 10 movies from the database:

    MATCH (movie:Movie)
    RETURN movie.title
    LIMIT 10;

    In the first line, we are matching all Movie nodes and saving them in movie variable. Then we are return the title property of those nodes but limiting the result to show only the first 10.

  2. Find Adventure and Fantasy movies:

    MATCH (movie:Movie)-[:OF_GENRE]->(:Genre {name:"Fantasy"})
    MATCH (movie)-[:OF_GENRE]->(:Genre {name:"Adventure"})
    RETURN movie.title
    ORDER BY movie.title
    LIMIT 10;

    In the first line, we are matching all Movie nodes of the Fantasy genre. Then we are further filtering those Movie nodes to be of the Adventure genre as well. The result of this query will be an alphabetized list of 10 movie titles of those two genres.

    Also, don't worry if the results show less than 10 movies - it just means not enough movies of that genre were received from the stream.

  3. Calculate the average rating score for the movie Matrix:

    MATCH (:User)-[r:RATED]->(m:Movie)
    WHERE m.title = "Matrix, The (1999)"
    RETURN avg(r.rating)

    We are matching users and their ratings of specific movies. Then we filter only the ratings given to the movie Matrix and return the average rating.

    If your result is null, check your stream for some other movie title and edit the query.

  4. Things will now get a little bit complicated. Let’s find a recommendation for a specific user, for example, with the id 150:

    MATCH (u:User {id: "150"})-[r:RATED]-(p:Movie)-[other_r:RATED]-(other:User)
    WITH AS other_id, avg(r.rating-other_r.rating) AS similarity
    ORDER BY similarity
    LIMIT 10
    WITH collect(other_id) AS similar_user_set
    MATCH (some_movie: Movie)-[fellow_rate:RATED]-(fellow_user:User)
    WHERE IN similar_user_set
    WITH some_movie, avg(fellow_rate.rating) AS prediction_score
    RETURN some_movie.title AS Title, prediction_score
    ORDER BY prediction_score DESC;

    If you don't get any data using the id 150, check what user IDs you have in your Kafka stream, and just pick one at random. I got data for user ids 144 to 177.

    In the first line, we matched all the users who rated the same movie as our user 150.

    We got their ids, and then we wanted to filter out only those users who gave the same or similar rating as our user 150. That is why we subtracted their rating scores from the rating scores of user 150 and got an average score. If the result is 0 the users gave the same rating and had a similar taste. As that number grows, users have different tastes.

    Then, we ordered the users by the similarity of their taste with the taste of user 150 and collected 10 users into a list called similar_user_set.

    With the next MATCH clause we got all the movies rated by all the users in the database, then filtered the results to get only the movies rated by the users from the similar_user_set. We got the average rating score those users gave to a particular movie with the presumption that the user 150 might rate the movie as well, being that he has a similar taste as these 10 users.

    At the end, we returned the movie titles and prediction score starting with the movie with the highest prediction score.

    And that’s it, you have generated recommendations based on the similarity of ratings between users.

Where to next?

Congratulations! You have connected Memgraph to a Kafka stream and analyzed the data. You can continue to do so using the Cypher query language. You can also try using various graph algorithms and modules from our open-source repository MAGE to solve graph analytics problems, create awesome customized visual displays of your nodes and relationships with Style script and above all - enjoy your graph database!