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Version: 2.3.0

Loading from JSON format

A JSON file is a file that stores simple data structures and objects in JavaScript Object Notation format, which is a standard data interchange format. The data you want to import to the database is often saved in JSON format, and you might want to import parts of that data as graph objects - nodes or relationships.

Below, you can find two examples of how to use the load JSON methods depending on the data source:

The above methods are procedures of query module implemented in MAGE (Memgraph Advanced Graph Extensions) and you can read more about them in the MAGE documentation.

To be able to call JSON load procedures, you need to install MAGE and load query modules. To learn how to do that, check out the Run a query module how-to guide.


Load JSON from a local file

Let's import a simple JSON file into Memgraph.

Create the file data.json with the following content:

"first_name": "Jessica",
"last_name": "Rabbit",
"pets": ["dog", "cat", "bird"]

Next, let's say you want to create a node with the label Person and first_name, last_name and pets as properties. You can run the following query:

CALL json_util.load_from_path("path/to/data.json")
YIELD objects
UNWIND objects AS o
CREATE (:Person {first_name: o.first_name, last_name: o.last_name, pets: o.pets});
After you execute the above query, the graph in Memgraph should look like this:

Load JSON from a remote address

Similarly, you can import JSON files from a remote address.

For example, at "", you can find the following data.json file:

"first_name": "James",
"last_name": "Bond",
"pets": ["dog", "cat", "fish"]

Next, let's say you want to create a node with the label Person and first_name, last_name and pets as properties from the data.json file. You can run the following query:

CALL json_util.load_from_url("")
YIELD objects
UNWIND objects AS o
CREATE (:Person {first_name: o.first_name, last_name: o.last_name, pets: o.pets});
After you run the above query, the graph in Memgraph should look like this:

To load JSON files from another local or remote location, just replace the argument of the procedure with the appropriate path or URL. If you want to create a different kind of graph, you need to change the query accordingly. To learn more about querying, check out the Cypher manual.